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Luxonis-Brian / depthai

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calibrate.py 31.30 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import argparse
import json
import shutil
import traceback
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from pathlib import Path
import time
import cv2
import depthai as dai
import numpy as np
import depthai_helpers.calibration_utils as calibUtils
debug = False
red = (255, 0, 0)
green = (0, 255, 0)
def create_blank(width, height, rgb_color=(0, 0, 0)):
"""Create new image(numpy array) filled with certain color in RGB"""
# Create black blank image
image = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)
# Since OpenCV uses BGR, convert the color first
color = tuple(reversed(rgb_color))
# Fill image with color
image[:] = color
return image
def parse_args():
epilog_text = '''
Captures and processes images for disparity depth calibration, generating a `<device id>.json` file or `depthai_calib.json`
that should be loaded when initializing depthai. By default, captures one image for each of the 8 calibration target poses.
Image capture requires the use of a printed OpenCV charuco calibration target applied to a flat surface(ex: sturdy cardboard).
Default board size used in this script is 22x16. However you can send a customized one too.
When taking photos, ensure enough amount of markers are visible and images are crisp.
The board does not need to fit within each drawn red polygon shape, but it should mimic the display of the polygon.
If the calibration checkerboard corners cannot be found, the user will be prompted to try that calibration pose again.
The script requires a RMS error < 1.0 to generate a calibration file. If RMS exceeds this threshold, an error is displayed.
An average epipolar error of <1.5 is considered to be good, but not required.
Example usage:
Run calibration with a checkerboard square size of 3.0cm and marker size of 2.5cm on board config file DM2CAM:
python3 calibrate.py -s 3.0 -ms 2.5 -brd DM2CAM
Only run image processing only with same board setup. Requires a set of saved capture images:
python3 calibrate.py -s 3.0 -ms 2.5 -brd DM2CAM -m process
Delete all existing images before starting image capture:
python3 calibrate.py -i delete
parser = ArgumentParser(
epilog=epilog_text, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter)
parser.add_argument("-c", "--count", default=1, type=int, required=False,
help="Number of images per polygon to capture. Default: 1.")
parser.add_argument("-s", "--squareSizeCm", type=float, required=True,
help="Square size of calibration pattern used in centimeters. Default: 2.0cm.")
parser.add_argument("-ms", "--markerSizeCm", type=float, required=False,
help="Marker size in charuco boards.")
parser.add_argument("-db", "--defaultBoard", default=False, action="store_true",
help="Calculates the -ms parameter automatically based on aspect ratio of charuco board in the repository")
parser.add_argument("-nx", "--squaresX", default="11", type=int, required=False,
help="number of chessboard squares in X direction in charuco boards.")
parser.add_argument("-ny", "--squaresY", default="8", type=int, required=False,
help="number of chessboard squares in Y direction in charuco boards.")
parser.add_argument("-rd", "--rectifiedDisp", default=True, action="store_false",
help="Display rectified images with lines drawn for epipolar check")
parser.add_argument("-drgb", "--disableRgb", default=False, action="store_true",
help="Disable rgb camera Calibration")
parser.add_argument("-slr", "--swapLR", default=False, action="store_true",
help="Interchange Left and right camera port.")
parser.add_argument("-m", "--mode", default=['capture', 'process'], nargs='*', type=str, required=False,
help="Space-separated list of calibration options to run. By default, executes the full 'capture process' pipeline. To execute a single step, enter just that step (ex: 'process').")
parser.add_argument("-brd", "--board", default=None, type=str, required=True,
help="BW1097, BW1098OBC - Board type from resources/boards/ (not case-sensitive). "
"Or path to a custom .json board config. Mutually exclusive with [-fv -b -w]")
parser.add_argument("-iv", "--invertVertical", dest="invert_v", default=False, action="store_true",
help="Invert vertical axis of the camera for the display")
parser.add_argument("-ih", "--invertHorizontal", dest="invert_h", default=False, action="store_true",
help="Invert horizontal axis of the camera for the display")
parser.add_argument("-ep", "--maxEpiploarError", default="1.0", type=float, required=False,
help="Sets the maximum epiploar allowed with rectification")
parser.add_argument("-cm", "--cameraMode", default="perspective", type=str,
required=False, help="Choose between perspective and Fisheye")
parser.add_argument("-rlp", "--rgbLensPosition", default=135, type=int,
required=False, help="Set the manual lens position of the camera for calibration")
parser.add_argument("-fps", "--fps", default=10, type=int,
required=False, help="Set capture FPS for all cameras. Default: %(default)s")
parser.add_argument("-cd", "--captureDelay", default=5, type=int,
required=False, help="Choose how much delay to add between pressing the key and capturing the image. Default: %(default)s")
parser.add_argument("-d", "--debug", default=False, action="store_true", help="Enable debug logs.")
parser.add_argument("-fac", "--factoryCalibration", default=False, action="store_true",
help="Enable writing to Factory Calibration.")
options = parser.parse_args()
# Set some extra defaults, `-brd` would override them
if options.markerSizeCm is None:
if options.defaultBoard:
options.markerSizeCm = options.squareSizeCm * 0.75
raise argparse.ArgumentError(options.markerSizeCm, "-ms / --markerSizeCm needs to be provided (you can use -db / --defaultBoard if using calibration board from this repository or calib.io to calculate -ms automatically)")
if options.squareSizeCm < 2.2:
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError("-s / --squareSizeCm needs to be greater than 2.2 cm")
return options
class Main:
output_scale_factor = 0.5
polygons = None
width = None
height = None
current_polygon = 0
images_captured_polygon = 0
images_captured = 0
def __init__(self):
global debug
self.args = parse_args()
debug = self.args.debug
self.aruco_dictionary = cv2.aruco.Dictionary_get(
self.focus_value = self.args.rgbLensPosition
if self.args.board:
board_path = Path(self.args.board)
if not board_path.exists():
board_path = (Path(__file__).parent / 'resources/boards' / self.args.board.upper()).with_suffix('.json').resolve()
if not board_path.exists():
raise ValueError(
'Board config not found: {}'.format(board_path))
with open(board_path) as fp:
self.board_config = json.load(fp)
# TODO: set the total images
# random polygons for count
self.total_images = self.args.count * \
len(calibUtils.setPolygonCoordinates(1000, 600))
if debug:
print("Using Arguments=", self.args)
if self.args.board.upper() == 'OAK-D-LITE':
raise Exception(
"OAK-D-Lite Calibration is not supported on main yet. Please use `lite_calibration` branch to calibrate your OAK-D-Lite!!")
pipeline = self.create_pipeline()
self.device = dai.Device(pipeline)
""" cameraProperties = self.device.getConnectedCameraProperties()
for properties in cameraProperties:
if properties.sensorName == 'OV7251':
raise Exception(
"OAK-D-Lite Calibration is not supported on main yet. Please use `lite_calibration` branch to calibrate your OAK-D-Lite!!")
self.left_camera_queue = self.device.getOutputQueue("left", 30, True)
self.right_camera_queue = self.device.getOutputQueue("right", 30, True)
if not self.args.disableRgb:
self.rgb_camera_queue = self.device.getOutputQueue("rgb", 30, True)
def is_markers_found(self, frame):
marker_corners, _, _ = cv2.aruco.detectMarkers(
frame, self.aruco_dictionary)
print("Markers count ... {}".format(len(marker_corners)))
return not (len(marker_corners) < self.args.squaresX*self.args.squaresY / 4)
def test_camera_orientation(self, frame_l, frame_r):
marker_corners_l, id_l, _ = cv2.aruco.detectMarkers(
frame_l, self.aruco_dictionary)
marker_corners_r, id_r, _ = cv2.aruco.detectMarkers(
frame_r, self.aruco_dictionary)
for i, left_id in enumerate(id_l):
idx = np.where(id_r == left_id)
# print(idx)
if idx[0].size == 0:
for left_corner, right_corner in zip(marker_corners_l[i], marker_corners_r[idx[0][0]]):
if left_corner[0][0] - right_corner[0][0] < 0:
return False
return True
def create_pipeline(self):
pipeline = dai.Pipeline()
cam_left = pipeline.createMonoCamera()
cam_right = pipeline.createMonoCamera()
xout_left = pipeline.createXLinkOut()
xout_right = pipeline.createXLinkOut()
if self.args.swapLR:
if not self.args.disableRgb:
rgb_cam = pipeline.createColorCamera()
rgb_cam.setIspScale(1, 3)
xout_rgb_isp = pipeline.createXLinkOut()
return pipeline
def parse_frame(self, frame, stream_name):
if not self.is_markers_found(frame):
return False
filename = calibUtils.image_filename(
stream_name, self.current_polygon, self.images_captured)
cv2.imwrite("dataset/{}/{}".format(stream_name, filename), frame)
print("py: Saved image as: " + str(filename))
return True
def show_info_frame(self):
info_frame = np.zeros((600, 1000, 3), np.uint8)
print("Starting image capture. Press the [ESC] key to abort.")
print("Will take {} total images, {} per each polygon.".format(
self.total_images, self.args.count))
def show(position, text):
cv2.putText(info_frame, text, position,
cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.0, (0, 255, 0))
show((25, 100), "Information about image capture:")
show((25, 160), "Press the [ESC] key to abort.")
show((25, 220), "Press the [spacebar] key to capture the image.")
show((25, 300), "Polygon on the image represents the desired chessboard")
show((25, 340), "position, that will provide best calibration score.")
show((25, 400), "Will take {} total images, {} per each polygon.".format(
self.total_images, self.args.count))
show((25, 550), "To continue, press [spacebar]...")
cv2.imshow("info", info_frame)
while True:
key = cv2.waitKey(1)
if key == ord(" "):
elif key == 27 or key == ord("q"): # 27 - ESC
raise SystemExit(0)
def show_failed_capture_frame(self):
width, height = int(
self.width * self.output_scale_factor), int(self.height * self.output_scale_factor)
info_frame = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)
print("py: Capture failed, unable to find chessboard! Fix position and press spacebar again")
def show(position, text):
cv2.putText(info_frame, text, position,
cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_TRIPLEX, 0.7, (0, 255, 0))
show((50, int(height / 2 - 40)),
"Capture failed, unable to find chessboard!")
show((60, int(height / 2 + 40)), "Fix position and press spacebar again")
# cv2.imshow("left", info_frame)
# cv2.imshow("right", info_frame)
cv2.imshow(self.display_name, info_frame)
def show_failed_orientation(self):
width, height = int(
self.width * self.output_scale_factor), int(self.height * self.output_scale_factor)
info_frame = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)
print("py: Capture failed, Swap the camera's ")
def show(position, text):
cv2.putText(info_frame, text, position,
cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_TRIPLEX, 0.7, (0, 255, 0))
show((60, int(height / 2 - 40)), "Calibration failed, ")
show((60, int(height / 2)), "Device might be held upside down!")
show((60, int(height / 2)), "Or ports connected might be inverted!")
show((60, int(height / 2 + 40)), "Fix orientation")
show((60, int(height / 2 + 80)), "and start again")
# cv2.imshow("left", info_frame)
# cv2.imshow("right", info_frame)
cv2.imshow("left + right", info_frame)
raise Exception(
"Calibration failed, Camera Might be held upside down. start again!!")
def empty_calibration(self, calib: dai.CalibrationHandler):
data = calib.getEepromData()
for attr in ["boardName", "boardRev"]:
if getattr(data, attr): return False
return True
def capture_images(self):
finished = False
capturing = False
captured_left = False
captured_right = False
captured_color = False
tried_left = False
tried_right = False
tried_color = False
recent_left = None
recent_right = None
recent_color = None
combine_img = None
start_timer = False
timer = self.args.captureDelay
prev_time = None
curr_time = None
self.display_name = "left + right + rgb"
last_frame_time = time.time()
# with self.get_pipeline() as pipeline:
while not finished:
current_left = self.left_camera_queue.tryGet()
current_right = self.right_camera_queue.tryGet()
if not self.args.disableRgb:
current_color = self.rgb_camera_queue.tryGet()
current_color = None
# recent_left = left_frame.getCvFrame()
# recent_color = cv2.cvtColor(rgb_frame.getCvFrame(), cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
if not current_left is None:
recent_left = current_left
if not current_right is None:
recent_right = current_right
if not current_color is None:
recent_color = current_color
if recent_left is None or recent_right is None or (recent_color is None and not self.args.disableRgb):
if time.time() - last_frame_time > 5:
if self.args.disableRgb:
print("Error: Couldn't retrieve left and right frames for more than 5 seconds. Exiting...")
print("Error: Couldn't retrieve left, rigth and color frames for more than 5 seconds. Exiting...")
raise SystemExit(1)
last_frame_time = time.time()
recent_frames = [('left', recent_left), ('right', recent_right)]
if not self.args.disableRgb:
recent_frames.append(('rgb', recent_color))
key = cv2.waitKey(1)
if key == 27 or key == ord("q"):
print("py: Calibration has been interrupted!")
raise SystemExit(0)
elif key == ord(" "):
if debug:
print("setting timer true------------------------")
start_timer = True
prev_time = time.time()
timer = self.args.captureDelay
frame_list = []
# left_frame = recent_left.getCvFrame()
# rgb_frame = recent_color.getCvFrame()
for packet in recent_frames:
frame = packet[1].getCvFrame()
# print(packet[0])
# frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB)
if packet[0] == 'rgb':
frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
# print(frame.shape)
if self.polygons is None:
self.height, self.width = frame.shape
print(self.height, self.width)
self.polygons = calibUtils.setPolygonCoordinates(
self.height, self.width)
# if debug:
# print("Timestamp difference ---> l & rgb")
lrgb_time = 0
if not self.args.disableRgb:
lrgb_time = min([abs((recent_left.getTimestamp() - recent_color.getTimestamp()).microseconds), abs((recent_color.getTimestamp() - recent_left.getTimestamp()).microseconds)]) / 1000
lr_time = min([abs((recent_left.getTimestamp() - recent_right.getTimestamp()).microseconds), abs((recent_right.getTimestamp() - recent_left.getTimestamp()).microseconds)]) / 1000
if debug:
print(f'Timestamp difference between l & RGB ---> {lrgb_time} in microseconds')
print(f'Timestamp difference between l & r ---> {lr_time} in microseconds')
if capturing and lrgb_time < 50 and lr_time < 30:
print("Capturing ------------------------")
if packet[0] == 'left' and not tried_left:
captured_left = self.parse_frame(frame, packet[0])
tried_left = True
captured_left_frame = frame.copy()
elif packet[0] == 'rgb' and not tried_color and not self.args.disableRgb:
captured_color = self.parse_frame(frame, packet[0])
tried_color = True
captured_color_frame = frame.copy()
elif packet[0] == 'right' and not tried_right:
captured_right = self.parse_frame(frame, packet[0])
tried_right = True
captured_right_frame = frame.copy()
has_success = (packet[0] == "left" and captured_left) or (packet[0] == "right" and captured_right) or \
(packet[0] == "rgb" and captured_color)
if self.args.invert_v and self.args.invert_h:
frame = cv2.flip(frame, -1)
elif self.args.invert_v:
frame = cv2.flip(frame, 0)
elif self.args.invert_h:
frame = cv2.flip(frame, 1)
"Polygon Position: {}. Captured {} of {} {} images".format(
self.current_polygon + 1, self.images_captured, self.total_images, packet[0]
(0, 700), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_TRIPLEX, 1.0, (255, 0, 0)
if self.polygons is not None:
frame, np.array([self.polygons[self.current_polygon]]),
True, (0, 255, 0) if captured_left else (0, 0, 255), 4
small_frame = cv2.resize(
frame, (0, 0), fx=self.output_scale_factor, fy=self.output_scale_factor)
# cv2.imshow(packet.stream_name, small_frame)
if self.args.disableRgb:
captured_color = True
tried_color = True
if captured_left and captured_right and captured_color:
print("Images captured --> {}".format(self.images_captured))
if not self.images_captured:
if not self.test_camera_orientation(captured_left_frame, captured_right_frame):
# if not self.test_camera_orientation(captured_left_frame, captured_color_frame):
# self.show_failed_orientation()
self.images_captured += 1
self.images_captured_polygon += 1
capturing = False
tried_left = False
tried_right = False
tried_color = False
captured_left = False
captured_right = False
captured_color = False
elif tried_left and tried_right and tried_color:
capturing = False
tried_left = False
tried_right = False
tried_color = False
captured_left = False
captured_right = False
captured_color = False
if self.images_captured_polygon == self.args.count:
self.images_captured_polygon = 0
self.current_polygon += 1
if self.current_polygon == len(self.polygons):
finished = True
if not self.args.disableRgb:
frame_list[2] = np.pad(frame_list[2], ((40, 0), (0,0)), 'constant', constant_values=0)
combine_img = np.hstack((frame_list[0], frame_list[1], frame_list[2]))
combine_img = np.vstack((frame_list[0], frame_list[1]))
self.display_name = "left + right"
if start_timer == True:
curr_time = time.time()
if curr_time - prev_time >= 1:
prev_time = curr_time
timer = timer-1
if timer <= 0 and start_timer == True:
start_timer = False
capturing = True
print('Statrt capturing...')
image_shape = combine_img.shape
cv2.putText(combine_img, str(timer),
(image_shape[1]//2, image_shape[0]//2), font,
7, (0, 255, 255),
4, cv2.LINE_AA)
cv2.imshow(self.display_name, combine_img)
def calibrate(self):
print("Starting image processing")
cal_data = calibUtils.StereoCalibration()
dest_path = str(Path('resources').absolute())
self.args.cameraMode = 'perspective' # hardcoded for now
epiploar_error, epiploar_error_rRgb, calibData = cal_data.calibrate(self.dataset_path, self.args.squareSizeCm,
self.args.markerSizeCm, self.args.squaresX, self.args.squaresY, self.args.cameraMode, not self.args.disableRgb, self.args.rectifiedDisp)
if epiploar_error > self.args.maxEpiploarError:
image = create_blank(900, 512, rgb_color=red)
text = "High L-r epiploar_error: " + str(epiploar_error)
cv2.putText(image, text, (10, 250), font, 2, (0, 0, 0), 2)
text = "Requires Recalibration "
cv2.putText(image, text, (10, 300), font, 2, (0, 0, 0), 2)
cv2.imshow("Result Image", image)
print("Requires Recalibration.....!!")
raise SystemExit(1)
elif epiploar_error_rRgb is not None and epiploar_error_rRgb > self.args.maxEpiploarError:
image = create_blank(900, 512, rgb_color=red)
text = "High RGB-R epiploar_error: " + str(epiploar_error_rRgb)
cv2.putText(image, text, (10, 250), font, 2, (0, 0, 0), 2)
text = "Requires Recalibration "
cv2.putText(image, text, (10, 300), font, 2, (0, 0, 0), 2)
cv2.imshow("Result Image", image)
print("Requires Recalibration.....!!")
raise SystemExit(1)
left = dai.CameraBoardSocket.LEFT
right = dai.CameraBoardSocket.RIGHT
if self.args.swapLR:
left = dai.CameraBoardSocket.RIGHT
right = dai.CameraBoardSocket.LEFT
calibration_handler = self.device.readCalibration()
# calibration_handler.setBoardInfo(self.board_config['board_config']['name'], self.board_config['board_config']['revision'])
# Set board name / revision only if calibration is empty
if self.empty_calibration(calibration_handler):
calibration_handler.setBoardInfo(self.board_config['board_config']['name'], self.board_config['board_config']['revision'])
calibration_handler.setCameraIntrinsics(left, calibData[2], 1280, 800)
calibration_handler.setCameraIntrinsics(right, calibData[3], 1280, 800)
measuredTranslation = [
- self.board_config['board_config']['left_to_right_distance_cm'], 0.0, 0.0]
left, right, calibData[5], calibData[6], measuredTranslation)
calibration_handler.setDistortionCoefficients(left, calibData[9] )
calibration_handler.setDistortionCoefficients(right, calibData[10])
calibration_handler.setFov(left, self.board_config['board_config']['left_fov_deg'])
calibration_handler.setFov(right, self.board_config['board_config']['left_fov_deg'])
left, calibData[0])
right, calibData[1])
if not self.args.disableRgb:
calibration_handler.setCameraIntrinsics(dai.CameraBoardSocket.RGB, calibData[4], 1920, 1080)
calibration_handler.setDistortionCoefficients(dai.CameraBoardSocket.RGB, calibData[11])
calibration_handler.setFov(dai.CameraBoardSocket.RGB, self.board_config['board_config']['rgb_fov_deg'])
calibration_handler.setLensPosition(dai.CameraBoardSocket.RGB, self.focus_value)
measuredTranslation = [
self.board_config['board_config']['left_to_right_distance_cm'] - self.board_config['board_config']['left_to_rgb_distance_cm'], 0.0, 0.0]
right, dai.CameraBoardSocket.RGB, calibData[7], calibData[8], measuredTranslation)
resImage = None
if not self.device.isClosed():
mx_serial_id = self.device.getDeviceInfo().getMxId()
calib_dest_path = dest_path + '/' + mx_serial_id + '.json'
is_write_succesful = False
if self.args.factoryCalibration:
is_write_succesful = self.device.flashCalibration(
print("Writing in except...")
if self.args.factoryCalibration:
is_write_succesful = self.device.flashCalibration(
if is_write_succesful:
resImage = create_blank(900, 512, rgb_color=green)
text = "Calibration Succesful with"
cv2.putText(resImage, text, (10, 250),
font, 2, (0, 0, 0), 2)
text = "Epipolar error of " + str(epiploar_error)
cv2.putText(resImage, text, (10, 300),
font, 2, (0, 0, 0), 2)
resImage = create_blank(900, 512, rgb_color=red)
text = "EEprom Write Failed!! " + str(epiploar_error)
cv2.putText(resImage, text, (10, 250),
font, 2, (0, 0, 0), 2)
text = "Try recalibrating !!"
cv2.putText(resImage, text, (10, 300),
font, 2, (0, 0, 0), 2)
# calib_dest_path = dest_path + '/depthai_calib.json'
# calibration_handler.eepromToJsonFile(calib_dest_path)
resImage = create_blank(900, 512, rgb_color=red)
text = "Calibratin succesful. " + str(epiploar_error)
cv2.putText(resImage, text, (10, 250), font, 2, (0, 0, 0), 2)
# text = "Device not found to write to EEPROM"
# cv2.putText(resImage, text, (10, 300), font, 2, (0, 0, 0), 2)
if resImage is not None:
cv2.imshow("Result Image", resImage)
except AssertionError as e:
print("[ERROR] " + str(e))
raise SystemExit(1)
def run(self):
if 'capture' in self.args.mode:
if Path('dataset').exists():
Path("dataset/left").mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
Path("dataset/right").mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
if not self.args.disableRgb:
Path("dataset/rgb").mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
except OSError:
print("An error occurred trying to create image dataset directories!")
raise SystemExit(1)
self.dataset_path = str(Path("dataset").absolute())
if 'process' in self.args.mode:
print('py: DONE.')
if __name__ == "__main__":
