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jillchen / Python.Card

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VideoStream.py 4.83 KB
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jillchen 提交于 2020-01-23 10:24 . first commit
############## Camera video stream creator ###############
# Author: Evan Juras (heavily copying from Adrian Rosebrock)
# Date: 1/12/18
# Description: Defines the VideoStream object, which controls
# acquisition of frames from a PiCamera or USB camera. The object uses
# multi-threading to aquire camera frames in a separate thread from the main
# program. This allows the main thread to grab the most recent camera frame
# without having to take it directly from the camera feed, reducing I/O time,
# which slightly improves framerate.
# When using this with a USB Camera on a desktop or laptop, the framerate tends
# to be too fast. The Card Detector program still works, but it is intended
# for the lower processing power of the Raspberry Pi.
# See the following web pages for a full explanation of the source code:
# https://www.pyimagesearch.com/2015/12/28/increasing-raspberry-pi-fps-with-python-and-opencv/
# https://www.pyimagesearch.com/2015/12/21/increasing-webcam-fps-with-python-and-opencv/
# Import the necessary packages
from threading import Thread
import cv2
from ReadIniConfig import ReadConfig
class VideoStream:
"""Camera object"""
def __init__(self, resolution=(640,480),framerate=30,PiOrUSB=2,src=0):
# Create a variable to indicate if it's a USB camera or PiCamera.
# PiOrUSB = 1 will use PiCamera. PiOrUSB = 2 will use USB camera.
self.PiOrUSB = PiOrUSB
if self.PiOrUSB == 1: # PiCamera
# Import packages from picamera library
from picamera.array import PiRGBArray
from picamera import PiCamera
# Initialize the PiCamera and the camera image stream
self.camera = PiCamera()
self.camera.resolution = resolution
self.camera.framerate = framerate
self.rawCapture = PiRGBArray(self.camera,size=resolution)
self.stream = self.camera.capture_continuous(
self.rawCapture, format = "bgr", use_video_port = True)
# Initialize variable to store the camera frame
self.frame = []
if self.PiOrUSB == 2: # USB camera
# Initialize the USB camera and the camera image stream
self.stream = cv2.VideoCapture(src)
ret = self.stream.set(3,resolution[0])
ret = self.stream.set(4,resolution[1])
#ret = self.stream.set(5,framerate) #Doesn't seem to do anything so it's commented out
# Read first frame from the stream
(self.grabbed, self.frame) = self.stream.read()
if self.PiOrUSB == 3: # IP camera
data = ReadConfig()
self.stream =cv2.VideoCapture(data.get_config("live_url"))
self.frame = []
# Create a variable to control when the camera is stopped
self.stopped = False
def start(self):
# Start the thread to read frames from the video stream
return self
def update(self):
if self.PiOrUSB == 1: # PiCamera
# Keep looping indefinitely until the thread is stopped
for f in self.stream:
# Grab the frame from the stream and clear the stream
# in preparation for the next frame
self.frame = f.array
if self.stopped:
# Close camera resources
if self.PiOrUSB == 3: # IP camera
# Keep looping indefinitely until the thread is stopped
while True:
if self.stopped:
# Otherwise, grab the next frame from the stream
#(self.grabbed, self.frame) = self.stream.read()
if (self.stream.isOpened()):
ret, frame = self.stream.read()
if not (self.stream.isOpened()):
if self.PiOrUSB == 2: # USB camera
# Keep looping indefinitely until the thread is stopped
while True:
# If the camera is stopped, stop the thread
if self.stopped:
# Close camera resources
# Otherwise, grab the next frame from the stream
(self.grabbed, self.frame) = self.stream.read()
def read(self):
# Return the most recent frame
if self.PiOrUSB == 3:
if not self.stream.isOpened():
return self.frame
def stop(self):
# Indicate that the camera and thread should be stopped
self.stopped = True
