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与超过 1200万 开发者一起发现、参与优秀开源项目,私有仓库也完全免费 :)
500-100.asp 5.41 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
HandMU 提交于 2017-07-12 00:05 . 加入测试用例
<%@ language="VBScript" %>
Option Explicit
Const lngMaxFormBytes = 200
Dim objASPError, blnErrorWritten, strServername, strServerIP, strRemoteIP
Dim strMethod, lngPos, datNow, strQueryString, strURL
If Response.Buffer Then
Response.Status = "500 Internal Server Error"
Response.ContentType = "text/html"
Response.Expires = 0
End If
Set objASPError = Server.GetLastError
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" Content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<STYLE type="text/css">
BODY { font: 8pt/12pt verdana }
H1 { font: 13pt/15pt verdana }
H2 { font: 8pt/12pt verdana }
A:link { color: red }
A:visited { color: maroon }
</HEAD><BODY><TABLE width="500" border="0" cellspacing="10"><TR><TD>
<li>与网站管理员联系,告知对方此 URL 地址出现了此错误。</li>
<h2>HTTP 500.100 - 内部服务器错误: ASP 错误。<br>Internet Information Services</h2>
Dim bakCodepage
on error resume next
bakCodepage = Session.Codepage
Session.Codepage = 65001
on error goto 0
Response.Write Server.HTMLEncode(objASPError.Category)
If objASPError.ASPCode > "" Then Response.Write Server.HTMLEncode(", " & objASPError.ASPCode)
Response.Write Server.HTMLEncode(" (0x" & Hex(objASPError.Number) & ")" ) & "<br>"
If objASPError.ASPDescription > "" Then
Response.Write Server.HTMLEncode(objASPError.ASPDescription) & "<br>"
elseIf (objASPError.Description > "") Then
Response.Write Server.HTMLEncode(objASPError.Description) & "<br>"
end if
blnErrorWritten = False
' Only show the Source if it is available and the request is from the same machine as IIS
If objASPError.Source > "" Then
strServername = LCase(Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME"))
strServerIP = Request.ServerVariables("LOCAL_ADDR")
strRemoteIP = Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR")
If (strServerIP = strRemoteIP) And objASPError.File <> "?" Then
Response.Write Server.HTMLEncode(objASPError.File)
If objASPError.Line > 0 Then Response.Write ", line " & objASPError.Line
If objASPError.Column > 0 Then Response.Write ", column " & objASPError.Column
Response.Write "<br>"
Response.Write "<font style=""COLOR:000000; FONT: 8pt/11pt courier new""><b>"
Response.Write Server.HTMLEncode(objASPError.Source) & "<br>"
If objASPError.Column > 0 Then Response.Write String((objASPError.Column - 1), "-") & "^<br>"
Response.Write "</b></font>"
blnErrorWritten = True
End If
End If
If Not blnErrorWritten And objASPError.File <> "?" Then
Response.Write "<b>" & Server.HTMLEncode( objASPError.File)
If objASPError.Line > 0 Then Response.Write Server.HTMLEncode(", line " & objASPError.Line)
If objASPError.Column > 0 Then Response.Write ", column " & objASPError.Column
Response.Write "</b><br>"
End If
<%= Server.HTMLEncode(Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT")) %>
strMethod = Request.ServerVariables("REQUEST_METHOD")
Response.Write strMethod & " "
If strMethod = "POST" Then
Response.Write Request.TotalBytes & " bytes to "
End If
Response.Write Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME")
Response.Write "</li>"
If strMethod = "POST" Then
Response.Write "<p><li>POST Data:<br>"
' On Error in case Request.BinaryRead was executed in the page that triggered the error.
On Error Resume Next
If Request.TotalBytes > lngMaxFormBytes Then
Response.Write Server.HTMLEncode(Left(Request.Form, lngMaxFormBytes)) & " . . ."
Response.Write Server.HTMLEncode(Request.Form)
End If
On Error Goto 0
Response.Write "</li>"
End If
datNow = Now()
Response.Write Server.HTMLEncode(FormatDateTime(datNow, 1) & ", " & FormatDateTime(datNow, 3))
on error resume next
Session.Codepage = bakCodepage
on error goto 0
strQueryString = "prd=iis&sbp=&pver=5.0&ID=500;100&cat=" & Server.URLEncode(objASPError.Category) & "&os=&over=&hrd=&Opt1=" & Server.URLEncode(objASPError.ASPCode) & "&Opt2=" & Server.URLEncode(objASPError.Number) & "&Opt3=" & Server.URLEncode(objASPError.Description)
strURL = "http://www.microsoft.com/ContentRedirect.asp?" & strQueryString
<li>单击 <a href="<%= strURL %>">Microsoft 支持</a>,可以找到有关此错误的文章链接。</li>
<li>转到 <a href="http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=8180" target="_blank">Microsoft 产品支持服务</a>,执行标题搜索,查找词语 <b>HTTP</b> 和 <b>500</b>。</li>
<li>打开 <b>IIS 帮助</b>(可从 IIS 管理器(inetmgr)访问),搜索主题<b>网站管理</b>和<b>关于自定义错误消息</b>。</li>
<li>在 IIS 软件开发包(SDK)中,或者在 <a href="http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=8181">MSDN 联机库</a>中,搜索主题<b>调试 ASP 脚本</b>、<b>调试组件</b>和<b>调试 ISAPI 扩展功能和筛选器</b>。</li>
